I've been thinking about this for a while. I have been fortunate enough in the last 26 years to live within an hour or so of most of my family, but since moving to Chicago, all of that has changed! Kurt and I certainly don't live the most exciting of lives, but I hope that we can use this blog to stay in touch and let my parents and other family know what we are up to.
I REALLY started thinking about keeping in touch with family this morning. My mom, grandma, and I were scheduled to fly to NY for my cousin Kimey's wedding tomorrow night. At 1am, my mom called and said that my gram was really sick, and that they weren't going. I have been fighting a cold all week, so I decided not to go either. So in a nut shell, I talked to my mom and grandma in Virginia, my uncle Bill in New York, and then facebook messaged Kimey also in New York, then called Kurt at work in Chicago.
With all that intercontinental communication, I began to think of an easier way to talk to everyone!
As I write this, Kurt is fighting Chicago traffic coming home from the city, as this is the end of his busy season at work. Everyone needs their liquor for tomorrow night, which means long hours for that cute red-headed delivery man!
Work today was insane for me. I was supposed to be off, but went in anyway, which was good since we are SO understaffed. We did manage to sneak away and play with the ultrasound machine to take a look at Mandy's baby girl, which was awesome!
I'm glad to be home for a 3 day weekend, playing with my puppies. Oscar and Lyla are fighting over a rawhide bone, I'm taking a Nyquill, its going to be a good night!
I'll just go ahead and apologize for all of the doggie pics, I just can't help myself :)