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Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 for the Rosenberghs...

First of all, Happy New Year to all of our friends and family out there! Kurt worked until after 8pm last night, and I was home with a head cold, so needless to say, it was a quiet evening here at the Rosenbergh house.

As we ring in a new year, there is always talk of resolutions and what not. I would really like to loose weight, and be more organized and all of those traditional resolutions, but I always fail at keeping those things. I decided to make a list of goals, rather than resolutions, so here it goes.

1. To move.
Let me just start by saying that I am very grateful to my mother-in-law, for letting us stay here with her for the last 2 years, but the time has come. I feel like Kurt and I need our own space to learn and grow as a married couple. Our dogs also need more space. At this point, I am carrying nearly 30 pounds of dog up and down a flight of steps each time they need to go out. We have been looking at homes, and discussing our options, so hopefully 2011 will bring home ownership for us!

2. To stay healthy.
I don't think that things could get any worse than they were in 2010. I rang in the new year with a concussion last year, and I should have known that it was a bad omen or something. I myself had 5 visits to the ER this year, and 2 complicated hospital admissions. It was found that I have a pocket of fluid to the right of my spine in April, which caused an infection, complete with high fevers and severe back pain. I am still suffering, but things are much better, and I plan to keep them that way! I also had a miscarriage in July, which we are hoping not to have to repeat!! Kurt went to the ER once this year, for putting a drill bit through his finger. He probably should have gone a few other times for similar shenanigans, but he's tough, unlike me! Lyla has also been sick a good bit this year, with her liver problems etc.

3. To earn money with my hobby.
I LOVE my job, and I Love working with patients every day, but everyone knows that I would much rather be scrapbooking, making cards, painting, sewing, drawing, or anything creative. I would love to set up a shop on etsy this year, and sell homemade Christmas cards, ornaments, etc etc etc. If I could at least sell enough to support my habit, that would be great! I've asked Kurt how much I would have to sell to quit my job and he doesn't answer me :)

4. To communicate better.
I think that every argument, at least in this house, boils down to lack of communication. Kurt and I both work pretty stressful jobs, and that paired with financial stress, and the stress of not having a space to call our own, causes us to get pretty frustrated with one another sometimes. Bottom line, we need to get better at talking to each other instead of just blowing up!

5. To go out and DO more!
I think in my old age (26, ha!) I have gotten lazy. This city has so much to offer, and I plan on seeing it this year. Kurt and I recently rode the L (my first time!) down to the Daley center and went to the Christkindlmart and had a blast. I want to do and experience more with my husband in 2011. Including the dog parks and beaches Chicago has to offer, the incredible restaurants, etc etc etc

I think that's enough. If I can accomplish these things, along with loose some weight and become more organized, that would be great. If I can't accomplish these things, then at least I can start walking in the right direction.

I'll end this post with a picture of Kurt and I at my company's Christmas Party 2 weeks ago, I haven't posted it anywhere yet, so you all will be the first to see it! Have a wonderful New Years Day!!

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